Why choose a BBA Certified Product?
The biggest challenge when looking to specify materials for a construction project is ensuring that the product selected has been tested, assessed and certified as suitable for use within the project framework. This is where the BBA comes in.
The BBA is a market-leading UKAS-accredited product certification body [No.0113] to BS EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012, testing laboratory [No.0357] to BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017, management systems certification body [No.0113) to BS EN ISO/IEC 17021:2015 and inspection body [No.4345] to BS EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 within the UK, setting the standard for excellence within the construction industry for products and systems and offering technical expertise and independent 3rd party certification.
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Phone: 01923 665 300
Products, both innovative and existing that look to achieve BBA Certification, are subjected to rigorous testing and auditing before they are certified. This testing process looks at how they perform, both as a singular product, as part of a system and if they meet the required Building Regulations. While our auditing process focuses on the manufacturing method, quality plans and materials used.
We can certify products from roofing components and systems through to roads and civil works (HAPAS).
BBA Certification helps manufacturers show that their products not only meet industry standards and are accepted and covered by NHBC warranties but that they have also undergone independent 3rd party testing.
To ensure that the products continue to meet standard and remain suitable throughout the life of the certificate, we conduct 6-monthly audits as part of the Factory Production Control (FPC). These audits review the products build process, quality plans and materials.
By selecting a BBA Certified product, you are ensuring your construction is fit-for-purpose and meets all the required Building Regulations.
It is important to read the content of a BBA Certificate in full to confirm the parameters of use.